Archive for 12/21/12

How To Understand High Intensity Interval Training

If you ask any fitness instructor for tips on how to lose weight you will likely find HIIT among the suggestions. But what is high intensity interval training and who should be performing it?

There are a few different ways to perform this particular style of exercise and today we'll teach you how to single out the method which best suits your personal goals.

If you visit any gym around the world you will find two distinctly different types of people working out. Firstly, you will meet those who are happy to spend up to an hour working out at a steady pace on an exercise bike. Secondly, you'll meet those who deem cardiovascular exercise to be too boring and therefore they ignore it and train with weights instead.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Posted by Moraliss

Fundamentals of Bodybuilding Nutrition

  Knowing macros nutrients, principles for muscle growth and fat storage, or how to create a diet (that is to say, a power to weight) are all fundamental to sustainable progress in this sport .

  To progress in physical fitness and achieve your dream, nutrition plays an at least as important as your training program.

  Unfortunately, it is often overlooked, and many bodybuilders think that just eat enough protein to build muscle. As you will see in this case is a bit more complicated than that.


Purpose of the exercise :

  Everyone already practiced this resistance exercise at least once, it is a classic that can work across the bust.

Targeted muscles :

  It seeks primarily the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid and triceps. Other muscles involved to maintain balance including abdominals.

Running the exercise :

  Starting position on the ground, hands spacing greater than the width of the shoulders. The bust down to an almost ground with the head, keeping the abs on. Return to the starting position.

Posted by Moraliss
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