Archive for 11/29/12

Dumbbell Curl

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Purpose of the exercise

  This resistance exercise engages and develops the biceps. The weights allow a lot of interesting variants.

Targeted Muscles

  The biceps brachii short and long serving, the brachialis and brachioradialis.
The brachialis is used during the execution of curl with dumbbell, whatever the position of the hand, it is under the biceps.
The rotation of the wrist during the movement called "supination" (palm toward you) can ask the biceps more.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Posted by Moraliss
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Barbell Shoulder Press

Purpose of the exercise

  This resistance exercise develops the muscles of the shoulders and the upper indirectly pectorals and triceps. This is a basic exercise arthritis will give you more muscle gains than isolation exercises such as front or side elevations.
If you want to get big shoulders though massive, this exercise is ideal for developing and working the mass of this muscle group.

Targeted Muscles

  It seeks anterior and middle deltoid but also the upper trapezius, upper chest and triceps involved in the execution of the exercise.

Running the exercise

  Starting position sitting on an incline bench, remove the right bar supports single or with a partner, hands pronated well separated by a distance greater than the width of the shoulders. Bring the bar above the chest by slowing down and reassemble without locking the joints at the top. Back and lumbar stick to the bench during exercise do not arch. To elevate the feet, use a carrier such as a wedge or a wooden crate.


  Inspire during the descent of the rod in and out when the locking point is past.


  The incline bench minimizes back problems. The presence of a partner is highly recommended if you use a free charge. Version for guided machine, proper positioning of the test bench and incline ahead to check if the bar does not touch the face during the descent.
Warm you well shoulder joint before making your developed.


  Barbell Shoulder Press can be done standing, this is what we call the military developed. This is a very effective weight training exercise to get big shoulders and well muscled gainer whole trunk, but the upright posture endangers the lumbar spine. It is better to make the sitting version dumbbell bench slightly inclined.
As you move your hands, front of the shoulder, upper chest and triceps will most sought while taking remote seek hands above the front and side of the shoulder.

Posted by Moraliss

Stretching in the Bodybuilding

Stretching for bodybuilding!

  There are many benefits to stretching when practicing bodybuilding.
  In fact, stretching prevents injury to the tendons and joints, allow increased flexibility thus gain amplitude during training exercises and thus optimize muscle development. They also improve the congestion recovery between sets, because the muscles are better irrigated nutrient-rich blood.

  However, it is advisable to stretch, it is necessary to do at the right time. Studies show that too much stretching before work reduces performance muscle. Personally, I could test myself and see my performance on exercises legs after stretching, were worse. On the other hand, the performance was more fluid and better working range.
Some prefer to do after the session, which is interesting because they allow a return to calm after exercise, but also a better elimination of toxins.

  In addition to your cardio warm type jump rope, bike, stepper or rowing machine, you can do some stretching before attacking your session to prepare the muscles, tendons and ligaments to stress. This prevents the muscles are too "stiff" and prepares the body to work. Nevertheless, keep the hard work flexibility to the end of your workout.

  The importance of stretching

  Do your stretching regularly as a preventative especially if you are very stiff and inflexible. Probably regular sessions of stretching will save you a lot of pain and injury. A section on the practice of stretching and stretching is under preparation.
Posted by Moraliss

The most asked questions on cardio

In this article, we will give you an answers for most asked questions on cardio.

At what intensity running?

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  If one stops to Finding a simple, one might say that the more you run, the faster you consume energy. This is true for humans and almost all animals but if you want to lose as much fat as possible this truth becomes false. Again take the time to find the correct answer, which is probably different from what too many people ânonnent, repeating what they said.

  It is simple when popularized: glycogen used rapid pace is lost when it is necessary to burn fat. It provides indeed substrates essential for aerobic use carbohydrates and lipids. However, the body tends to conserve its glycogen as soon as possible, to have in case of extreme emergency.
Posted by Moraliss

Cardio training and bodybuilding

  The cardiorespiratory system is generally not applied in our bodybuilding workouts.
It is therefore essential to work in "aerobic" if you want to be in good shape and not to falter at the slightest effort cardiovascular.
You can use this activity to warm up, at the beginning of the workout. For example, 10 to 15 minutes of stepper or static bike will do. Endurance training type cardio is more significant for strength and works the muscles in a different way.

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Abdominals - Create an Adequate Workout Routine for Your Abs

  Get the abs you have always dreamed of is simpler than you think. Many times, we think it's impossible due to the work we believe we have to do and I am not going to lie to you, it's clear that you will have to work hard, but with a bit of organization and an adequate workout routine, the goal is closer than you think.
  An improvised workout routine will not only yield little results, but could also set you back. There are multiple variables in workout routines, we will see some below.
  Regarding how often you should exercise your abs, it is advisable to do your routine every two days. The abdominal muscles don't need as much rest as other muscle groups in your body and that we work out when we go to the gym, therefore it is recommended to exercise your abs as much as possible.
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  If you want to have well-defined abs, with the characteristic appearance of the bodybuilders, do 10 repetitions per set with high resistance and as many sets as you can handle.
  Regarding the different types of sit-ups that you will need to do, I advise you to work out your lower abs first. This is because this type of abdominal muscle is weaker than the upper abs, and you need your upper abs well rested to be able to stabilize the lower ones as you move forward with your workout routine.
  The next type of workout would be the oblique abdominal muscles because of the same reason you worked out your lower abs. After, you will be able to exercise your middle and upper abs.
  Here is a summary of the tips for setting up a workout routine for your abs:
- As we have already mentioned, it is ideal to exercise your abs every two days, but if you can't one day, don't worry about working out your abs two days in a row.
- Work your abs at the beginning of your training. You need to focus on technique when you are working out your abs more than any in other movements, so do it when you are rested and can focus on tightening the parts you are missing and relaxing the parts that aren't necessary.
- Don't forget to work out your lower back, as well. You need good strength in your lower back to help you support your other abdominal exercises.
- The order when working out the different types of abdominal muscles is: lower, oblique, middle and upper abs.

Exemple of Abdominal exercise :

  1. Crunch with rotations.
  2. Classic Crunch.
  3. Sit Up.
  4. Ab Roller.
  5. Air Bike.
  6. Decline Crunch.
  7. Dumbbell Side Bend.

Posted by Moraliss

Incline Bench

 Incline Bench

  Purpose of the exercise

  This resistance exercise is a basic exercise that can work the chest. The incline bench is wearing the stress on the upper pecs but also on the anterior deltoid (front shoulder). More inclined bench will be more shoulders will be sought.
  Using dumbbells can work in a larger amplitude than the bar and requires more activity at stabilizing muscles. It is advisable to start your workout with exercises pecs so inclined part clavicular (upper pecs) is a weak point.
Posted by Moraliss
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