Archive for 12/30/12

Decline Crunch

The decline crunch

 Most of the fitness centers have a decline sit up board or you can make a decline board on your own provided you keep it stable. Just like the traditional crunch, what you need to do here is to perform crunches but only that you do the crunches in a decline position. Most of the declines are adjustable particularly those in the gyms and the degree of the decline also determines the degree of difficulty such that you have to adjust it yourself to determine which height you want to work with. In this routine, one may opt to do a sit up or a crunch but the crunch is more challenging. Then if you are not satisfied with just a crunch, add up some weight on your chest. Decline Crunch

Decline Crunch           Exercise Data for Decline Crunch

Type : Strength
Main Muscle Worked : Abdominals
Equipment : Body Only
Mechanics Type : Isolation
Level : Intermediate
Sport : No
Force : Pull

Decline Crunch Guide :

Sunday, December 30, 2012
Posted by Moraliss

Green Tea Weight Loss - How Does It Work?

  A lot of health experts are praising about the tea weight loss benefits. Precisely how does tea work to help individuals lose weight? Are there scientific truths to compliment the claim?

  A lot of aspects are included in the equation of weight gain. However it comes down to two aspects. First is the consumption of fat or food which will become fat. Second is the degree of fat burning. Tea assists with both aspects.

 Green tea possesses strong antioxidants known as catechins. Out of all the catechins, epigallocatechin gallate also known as EGCG assists with fat loss the maximum. EGCG helps bring thermogenesis which is the activity of providing heat in body. This raises rate of metabolism that speeds up the process of burning fat. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, tea raises metabolism by 4 percent.

Posted by Moraliss

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