Posted by : Moraliss Thursday, July 24, 2014

By Coleen Torres

When people want to get fit they often have specific goals. They want to lose weight to look good on the beach or in their wedding photos. Other people may have specific areas they want to tone. Whatever the reason the goals tend to be short term and can often do more harm than good in the long term. This is why a better approach is to follow a crossfit Bayonne NJ program.

Part of the problem is people tend to focus on the specialist and the short term. They want to lose weight for an upcoming wedding or beach vacation. They focus really hard, hit the target and for a while feel good. Unfortunately once the target is hit the motivation is often lost.

Furthermore targeting a specific area is not good for long term fitness. This is often the mistake athletes make. While it is fair to say that strength is important for a weightlifter or speed is important for a sprinter you should not neglect other aspects of your physical performance.

Crossfit is a better approach because as the name suggests it looks at a range of exercises for the best all round fitness. This not only means focusing on different areas of the body but also different aspects of fitness such as flexibility and core strength. This then means you can get the full benefits of the program.

This is why crossfit looks on varying the focus. The program will come with a WOD or workout of the day. The idea is that each day there are exercises designed for specific purposes. It is also something that can be done in conjunction with other sport and exercises provided that rest periods are properly scheduled in between.

Another advantage is that the exercise programs can be scaled and adapted to suit a range of needs. Therefore someone who has come to the gym for the first time can get the same level of benefit as someone who is training for a marathon or to become a cage fighter. While the exercises are the same the difference is the amount of weights used or the amount of repetitions.

It is also possible to do other exercises at the same time provided you schedule in recovery time. The idea is that the class not only provides the benefit of the exercise but also that the people who do it can do so safely. While keeping fit is important trying to do too much can strain your body and cause long term damage and an experienced trainer will ensure this does not happen.

As with any service it is important to do your research and check the quality of the gym or class you are going to. Ideally you want someone who is experienced and has been teaching classes for a number of years. Furthermore they should be willing to talk with you about how they can specifically benefit you and how the crossfit program can be adjusted to suit your needs. Use your regular search engine for more information about programs in your local area.

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