Posted by : Moraliss Monday, July 28, 2014

By Rosella Campbell

Traditionally, technology was not as pronounced as it is right now. It was somehow cumbersome to examine certain vital body and fluid measurements. One such measurement is oxygen saturation and simply denotes how the blood is oxygenated. This process was done traditionally in an invase way by drawing some samples of blood. As such, the clinical officers had a problem of getting real time measurements. There was thus a dire need for a non-invasive way of determining the level of saturation, which paved way for the development of the technique employed in wrist pulse oximeters.

The development has been highly appreciated, especially in the medical field and surgical operations. The clinic workers used it to carry out examinations concerning patients who are sedated and even unconscious. It is also crucial in managing patients with problems in controlling their supply of oxygen. Their scope of application extends to homes and operating rooms.

Apart from hospitals and clinical facilities, the equipment comes handy to people in quite high altitudes as it helps them overcome hypoxia. Those engaged in piloting and high mountain climbing often carry them along with them. In addition, wrist Oximeters are particularly important to athletes while undergoing training in very high altitudes. The facility improves their endurance and training session.

The benefits accruing from such a vital gadget are indispensable. To begin with, the mobility of the equipment makes it readily accepted and appreciated. It is free from external cabling or power source that could otherwise make it cumbersome. Their attachment to the wrist is called for especially to those in need of constant monitoring. They are relatively light in weight and come in convenient sizes.

The simplicity inherent in wrist meters enables their operation. The gadget is so simple that anyone, with the average know-how, can operate it. It is hardly complicated, except for the mode of data transfer that may incur some technical know-how. The broad screen further simplifies the viewing as it provides quality and sizable values for measurements. In fact, the display in a wrist device is more superior relative to the one worn on the fingers.

It is economical to use wrist Oximeters compared to the handheld and other types. This is due their low prices and close availability. Also, the use of wrist meters is not confined to a particular group of people, but rather embraced widely and by all age groups. The only factor that determines which particular meter to use is the size of the wrist.

The readings from the instrument can also be stored. It has a memory that offers data storage and facilitates programming for particular readings within specified set time frames. The equipment also offers data storage. They are capable of keeping data and being programmed to provide readings within set time frames to facilitate for the reading of saturation levels. They can also be fitted with some software and connected to a computer for generation of reports.

However, just like any other machine, it has its own setbacks. The only shortcoming is that they cannot be used in such avenues as sleep screening due to absence of alarms. It is even more inappropriate to employ them in spot checking as a main function. Though they support sport checking, they are not the most ideal when spot checking is actually the main function.

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