Posted by : Moraliss Monday, August 4, 2014

By Imelda Reid

Humans are really vulnerable beings. Each person has different gifts and abilities. If they differ to superiority, desirability, and attractiveness, there always lie a purpose which makes everything equal. But even with this, humans always have this weak point. And that is to aspire for something greater than what they have. That is why in the society where humans live, this fact is very evident.

And taking into account the dissatisfaction of people, there is a touch in everything which existed in the world. Just like for instance, you will see some individuals who are desperate to have riches, beauty, fame, and influence. But actually, all of these things lead to only one thing. That thing is no other than power. Such is the concept with the wrestling sport even before the history of professional wrestling took place.

When you say wrestling, you will see a very heated fight which showcases the physical power of each contender. As per the nature of the competition, there is no room for giving way. Each of the contestants really need to fight with all their might. Not to mention, the goal of the sport is to show who among the two is stronger and more powerful.

So if you ever want to watch this kind of competition take place on the stage, you must be psychologically prepared. If you are way too soft hearted, then do not even think you can finish looking at the entire competition without being drained with all your energy. You must have the disposition of the Romans before, who enjoyed looking at Christians being tortured in the arena.

For the modern world, where things like that, have been diminished, this is already quite uncomfortable to look at. But then the only good thing about this is that there are no weapons used, only physical strength. Like the hero in the English folk tale Beowulf, the contenders will just have to make use of your bare hands and body to defeat their opponent.

With this, can use any kind of grappling techniques just like throwing, pinning, joint locks, clinching, and any other kind of grappling holds. Actually, this sport is good for only two contenders. But at certain occasions, more competitors will do. As long as the goal of getting the superior position among the others is fulfilled, then one can become the winner.

With this, you can see that it is very different from other combat sports like kung fu, karate, fencing, and boxing. But some of the styles in this sport are actually infused in some forms of martial arts and military hand to hand combat. Basically, the moves in wrestling is practically what an enraged person will do in response for defense.

This endeavor has actually been acknowledged as one of the oldest forms of combating endeavor. Even some literary references like Iliad can attest to it. In this, Homer cited the Trojan War which occurred in the twelfth or in the thirteenth century. Aside from that, it has been identified through the drawings found in a cave fifteen years ago.

Given that time frame, this style of combat has been developed to a professional sport. There has been two styles which were used now. One is the freestyle and the other is the Greco Roman. Over the years, it was developed until in the twentieth century, it became a popular entertainment in Europe, America, and Japan.

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